Terri Shrader is a graduate of Wellspring and a certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist. She recently shared her experiences with Wellspring Life.
WL: Tell us about yourself.
TS: I grew up in Manhattan, Kansas and participated in various sports while growing up, primarily softball and long distance running. After graduating from Kansas State University in 1985 with a BS in Construction Engineering, I moved to Kansas City and have lived here since. I am married and have one son who is 13. My primary role the last 13 years has been as a stay home mom while working part time.
WL: What inspired you to pursue fitness as a career?
TS: Although I have remained active, it wasn’t until about 5 years ago that I started exercising on a regular basis. I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted so I enlisted the help of a trainer and also joined a boot camp and fell in love with it all! I realized from talking with other women that there was an opportunity for “older” trainers to work with women who might be intimidated or uncomfortable in the big gym atmosphere. I decided to attend Wellspring and so set out on a new adventure to learn how to help others enjoy the same benefits of exercise that I have experienced. After graduating with CPT and CEX (Corrective Exercise) credentials in December of 2010 I started my own business, HEAL Fitness, LLC and have been enjoying the journey ever since. I focus on working with female clients and train either in their homes or in my private studio in Olathe. One on one sessions and small group training are offered depending on the client’s needs.
WL: What was your favorite aspect of life at Wellspring?
TS: My favorite aspect of Wellspring was the comfortable, welcoming environment. The instructors and students all got to know each other and had a great time learning and supporting each other.
WL: What do you love most about your work? What do you find most challenging?
TS: Many of my clients have little or no previous experience with exercise and seeing their confidence and belief that they can do it increase right along with their physical strength is extremely rewarding. They are often surprised at how quickly they feel better and have more energy.
The most difficult challenge is managing weight loss expectations (fighting the “30 lbs. in 30 days” messages) and noncompliance with nutrition changes. The lifestyle changes necessary for weight loss and long term maintenance take some time and hard work to make and many times people get frustrated or they let other priorities get in the way.
WL: How do you stay current with trends in your industry?
TS: In order to keep learning and keep current on industry information, I have completed the Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Weight Loss Specialist credentials. I regularly read the NASM blog and other nutrition and fitness articles.
WL: What advice would you give to current Wellspring students preparing to enter your field?
TS: To new graduates, I would encourage them to always remain professional but have fun and build rapport with your clients. As the saying goes, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
For more information or to schedule your complimentary fitness assessment, contact Terri at 913-486-8113, [email protected].