Are you getting what you need from your personal trainer? Here are a few ways to know.
Listen to your body
Your body will not respond physically if you’re not giving it what it’s asking for. If you come in with a burst of energy, is your trainer making the most of this and working this energy? If your body and mind are exhausted, do you get a restorative workout so you can hit the ground running (pun intended) next go around?
Keep it fresh
Your body needs a constant challenge and new workouts to reach optimal fitness goals. In addition, your trainer should change your mind. That way, you’ll prevent burn-out and boredom. Being fit can be fun!
Train for a purpose
If you’re training for a ski trip, then work on stamina, so you will be able to last for hours on the slopes and avoid injury. If you are working out for general fitness, then your trainer needs to keep this in mind and balance your efforts.
General wellness
Is your trainer offering tips on health and wellness? Do you get a balance of advice for vacation, everyday eating, how to work in fitness to your everyday routine? If not, you might not get the best bang for your hard-earned buck.
Ask for what you need
How open is your communication with your personal trainer? Does your trainer listen to you and make adjustments depending on your needs? Do you ask for more of a challenge or to go a bit easy, depending on your overall wellness? Do you feel accountable to your trainer and does he or she bring out the best in you during each session? If you can’t answer yes to any of these questions, it might be time to look for somebody who will listen to you. That way, you will get the best experience and the best results from your relationship with your personal trainer.
Find Some of the Best Trainers
Whether you are someone looking for personal training or a fitness studio, you can count on Wellspring School of Allied Health to provide personal trainers who understand the client/trainer relationship. Our Personal Training program focuses not only on the techniques, but also on communication skills and business management for well-rounded fitness professionals. Contact us for more information!