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Student Success Story: O’Shonda Bolton

WellSpring students posing in front of a Floyd Mayweather cardboard cut-out.
Learn more about O’Shonda Bolton’s success story as a WellSpring graduate

WellSpring School of Allied Health is a microcosm of the way Educational Institutions should all be. We are multi-racial, poor and wealthy, gay and straight, all ages and genders.

The common thread that weaves our diverse tapestry together is the passion our students have for
helping their fellow human beings live better, feel better, and look better after being in their care.

Every day I have the privilege of interviewing potential students who tell me how they came to realize
that their current occupation is not what they want to do with their precious 8- hour workday.

O’Shonda Bolton was one such student. A recent graduate of our Fitness and Nutrition degree program, she exemplifies this dedication to her craft. Shy and soft-spoken, she channeled her passion and it has blossomed into a career.

Just the other day, Monique McDaniel, one of our instructors, and Jamie Placht, the Director of the
program, took a field trip to visit O’Shonda at her new place of employment; Mayweather Boxing and
Fitness. She is excelling as a Group Fitness and Personal Trainer; earning herself the Employee Of The
Month award! Shonda attributes much of her success and confidence development to our Wellspring
staff. She was able to leave a career she did not enjoy and develop her skill set into a rewarding and
fulfilling occupation.

There is an old adage that if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life!