Massage therapy can be a fulfilling, rewarding career with many unique benefits, however, potential massage therapists might be put off if they think that massage therapists can’t have a steady job with comfortable earnings.
According to O*NET Online, the median national annual wage for massage therapists is about $35,920, with projected job growth between 2012 and 2022 much faster than average at 22 percent. The top percentage of massage therapists can earn as much as $60,000 – $71,000 or more annually.

Don Farquharson, president of WellSpring, added that massage therapy earnings depend on the number of sessions massage therapists perform each week or month.
Average numbers of session are likely closer to the 10 -15 sessions per week range, some of which are private and some of which are through a gym or spa. Massage therapists who are passionate about their job and willing to work harder can earn more.
If massage therapy students wish to increase their employability, they should look into WellSpring’s Integrative Massage/Fitness Associate Degree Program. Graduates of this program, which combines massage therapy and personal training, earn an associate degree of occupational studies and are credentialed as a massage therapist and personal trainer.