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Introducing Our New Associate’s Integrative Massage Degree!

The Integrative Massage Associate Degree program is finally here! This program is designed to be an extension of the current Massage Therapy Certificate Program, so that if you are presently enrolled in school, you can continue seamlessly into the advanced training module, and in just six months, graduate with an extensive array of new tools and an Associate of Occupational Science Degree (AOS Degree). This program also works for graduates of the earlier 600-hour or 750-hour massage program, though some  additional courses may be required.

To obtain this degree, you have two possible routes: The Advanced Massage Techniques Track or the Fitness & Personal Training Track. (See image)

All you need to do is decide is which advanced training track best complements your career direction, as either one will complete the Integrative Massage Associate Degree. Regardless of which track you chose, you will receive the most comprehensive training available anywhere in the country today, enabling you to perform at the highest skill levels in the industry. It will also qualify you for career opportunities where a degree may be preferred, such as the traditional health care field.

WellSpring is offering a graduate discount to both current students and graduates who enroll in either track, but there’s an additional limited-time offer if you enroll in the Advanced Massage Techniques Track by December 31, 2014.

