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Study Shows That Massage Therapy is in Growing Demand at Hospitals.

Common procedures such as surgeries, x-rays and transfusions are procedures carried out in all hospitals. These types of treatments are the backbone of regular hospital services and help patients with everything from broken bones to a vast array of illnesses. However, more and more hospitals have started to offer a number of alternative therapies in addition to their traditional medical treatments. According to the results of a survey carried out by the American Hospital Association (AHA), most hospitals are starting to offer complimentary therapy, including massage, in response to a growing patient demand.

A recent AHA survey of US hospitals revealed the number of facilities providing complimentary therapies has increased from 37 percent in 2007 to 42 percent today.  Eighty-five percent of facilities said they made the move as a direct response to patient demand, while 70 percent of hospitals said it was also an attempt to broaden their services. Of the hospitals that offer complimentary services, massage therapy is the most common as massage therapy has proven to relieve stress and relieve pain that patients experience as a result of their treatment.

Commenting on the move by hospitals to diversify their service offerings, Nancy Foster, the President of the AHA, said: “Hospitals have long known that what they do to treat and heal involves more than just medications and procedures. It is about using all of the art and science of medicine to restore the patient as fully as possible.”

With this in mind, massage therapy offers tremendous opportunities for those looking to embark of a promising career.  The WellSpring Massage Therapy program can give future massage therapists a competitive edge as our pass rates on the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork are over 90%.  This is well above the state and national average.
For more information about our massage therapy program, please visit WellSpring Massage Therapy.