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How to Choose the Perfect Nutrition Plan

As summer nears, many are refocusing their efforts on fitness and nutrition to earn that perfect “beach body”. When moving from an unhealthy lifestyle, how do you choose a diet plan that is easy to stick to, yet healthy and balanced enough to achieve your fitness goals?

To put it bluntly, there is no one size fits all to “dieting”. Everybody is different and has different needs. You first need to develop your personal fitness goals and time frame and then base your methods on how best to achieve it. But what steps do you need to take to get to that point?

Redefine “Diet”
Don’t go into a nutrition plan thinking about everything you have to deprive yourself of. Take away the traditional negative connotation associated with the word and instead, focus on the positive outcomes that happen when you make small changes in food choices.

Learn the Benefits of Multiple Methods
Low Carb, High Fat? High Fat, Low Carb? Calorie Counting? Intermittent Fasting? Paleo? What is the difference? Who does it help? Do a bit of research on nutrition plans available and choose one that fits into your lifestyle, activity level and is sustainable.

Visit A Doctor
Get a physical to get an accurate measure of the state of your body. How is your heart health? What are your cholesterol levels? Are you deficient in minerals and need to take supplements? A complete physical workup will help you determine your individual needs and set a goal for the future.

Listen to Your Body and Adjust as Needed
Your diet probably won’t stay the same. Not every nutrition plan will work for you and you will be forced to make more changes. Don’t be afraid to change and adjust until you are consistently hitting goals and happy doing it!

Nutrition plans establish a general baseline to start your fitness and health regimen, but you are the one that builds on it to fit your needs and goals. Go slow, plan for changes and don’t be disappointed with smaller results. A small change is still a change. Wellspring School of Allied Health educates some of the best health and wellness coaches, if your fitness goal extends into helping others attain theirs, give us a call today!