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Top 3 Excuses for Unhealthy Habits


A woman, comfy on a couch with a bowl of potato chips and a glass of wine. The text on the image says Top 3 Excuses for Unhealthy Habits.If you are reading this, you probably eat well, exercise on a regular basis and make conscious decisions about the choices that impact your body.  But you would be in the minority of Americans. Most people talk about wanting to get rid of unhealthy habits – by eating better, exercising more, losing some weight, getting rid of nagging injuries or a combination of all.  And what do they do about it? Typically, nothing.

Unhealthy Habits are an Epidemic

Fitness and nutrition professionals usually get three excuses from their clients for not living as healthy as they would like: time, money or desire. To a certain extent, these “explanations” have some validity, however if we examine them further, there really is no excuse to justify the argument.

Excuse 1: Being too busy

Modern-day life takes its toll on everyone. But life and jobs aren’t valid excuses for putting off nutrition and exercise habits.  We all know it’s stressful to come from a full day of meetings, emails, errands, transporting kids and so on.  The last thing we want to do when we get home is spend a bunch of time in the kitchen preparing something that is supposedly “good for us.” 

All too often I see a line of cars at a fast-food restaurant, inevitably ordering their double bacon cheeseburgers.  However most people (even if they won’t admit it) can find one day a week to prepare some simple meals at home that they can freeze and take out for future convenience. I encourage all our students at WellSpring to do this, and to encourage it in their clients, as well. In the same vein, if you can’t get a workout in during the day, challenge yourself to turn a meeting into a walk with a co-worker.  You’ll feel better and may even find that communication opens up better than in a stodgy office setting.  

Excuse #2: Money

This is my least favorite excuse.  Or perhaps it should be my favorite as it is the easiest excuse to overcome.  You don’t need that membership to the exorbitant health club.  Or if you insist that it is necessary, eliminate a latte here and there and cut out the lunch-time visits to the fast food joints and your membership is covered.  A win-win.  When it really comes down to it, it costs a lot more (figuratively and literally) to be in poor health than it does to be healthy.

Excuse #3: Desire

And finally, it comes down to desire.  Again, if you’re reading this, chances are you already make healthy choices for the most part.  And you’ve got to respect when someone admits that they don’t have the desire – at least they are being honest (but hopefully not bringing others down with their gluttony!).  I challenge everyone to make small changes in their daily habits.  I think you will find that eating healthy food, if prepared correctly, can be very enjoyable.  Adding moderate exercise has numerous benefits – including allowing you to think more clearly.

Excuses are lame, and so are unhealthy habits.  Living a healthy lifestyle requires effort and a commitment to yourself.  However, most people find that they feel so much better and are generally happier when they reward themselves with health.  It sure beats the alternative.