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Are You Getting What You Need From Your Personal Trainer?

A woman working out with a trainerAre you getting what you need from your personal trainer? Here are a few ways to know.

1. Listen to your body.

Your body will not respond physically if you’re not giving it what it’s asking for. If you come in with a burst of energy, is your trainer making the most of this and working this energy? If your body and mind are exhausted, do you get a restorative workout so you can hit the ground running (pun intended) next go around?

2. Keep it fresh.

This is not limited to the body, which does need to be constantly challenged in new ways to reach optimal fitness goals. The mind must also be challenged and have something fresh to combat burn-out and boredom. Being fit can be fun!

3. Train for a purpose.

If you’re training for a ski trip, then work on stamina, so you will be able to last for hours on the slopes and avoid injury. If you are working out for general fitness, then your trainer needs to keep this in mind and balance your efforts.

4. General wellness.

Is your trainer offering tips on health and wellness? Do you get a balance of advice for vacation, everyday eating, how to work in fitness to your everyday routine? If not, you might not be getting the best bang for your hard-earned buck.

5. Communicate with your Trainer

Is your trainer checking in with you when you’ve missed a week or so?  Better yet, do you discuss your vacation plans, your nutrition, and your overall goals on a regular basis? A great trainer works with you, and not just on you.

To find a trainer with these qualities, or to learn how to become one, visit