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WellSpring Personal Training Students Graduate With Honors!

Our personal training students are pushing it to the next level and graduating with some seriously cool academic achievements. These graduates have worked hard to achieve triple certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and are all graduating with 4.0 GPAs.
Don Farquharson, president of WellSpring, said, “We’re very proud to see our students succeed. We know they will be a valuable asset to their clients and the health and wellness industry.”
Check them out the students below!
Kristen Jukes
1301KFDT, personal training, 4.0, academic achievement award recipient.

Curt Searcy
1301KFDT, personal training, 4.0, academic achievement award recipient.
Danielle Walker
1209KFDT, personal training, 4.0, academic achievement award recipient.