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Bring on the Garlic!

This holiday season, when you’re in the kitchen cooking up a storm, be sure to not skimp on a few key ingredients when cooking: garlic, onions and leeks! According to researchers at King’s College London and the University of East Anglia, women who consume a diet high in allium vegetables (such as garlic, onions and leeks) have lower levels of hip osteoarthritis.

This study is the first of its kind to delve deeper into the dietary patterns and influences that could impact on development and prevention of the condition. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in adults, and it can cause pain and disability by affecting the hip, knees and spine in the middle-aged and elderly population. Currently there is no effective treatment other than pain relief and, ultimately, joint replacement.

Worried that eating too much garlic will make you smell like garlic? Not so! Here are some tips to avoid smelling like a garlic bulb! What’s your favorite way to enjoy garlic, onion or leeks?

Photo courtesy of felipe_gabaldon on Flickr.