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Diets that Work—They Exist!

Confused by all of the weight-loss information out there? From diet pills to exercise infomercials, it seems that everyone has the answer to losing weight for only three low-low payments of $19.95, doesn’t it? Not to mention the number of diets out there. While we all know that the best way to lose weight is through hard work—eating right and regular exercise—it’s hard to change your life without a plan. And, for many, diets outline that plan with guidelines and structure.

Not all diets are created equal though. Fad diets like the Cabbage Soup Diet only give you about 1,000 calories a day, which is way below even the lowest recommended amount, and doesn’t provide adequate vitamins and minerals. Then there’s the popular Hollywood diet that just has you drink juice. Fad diets like these are not sustainable in the long term, and most people end up quickly gaining back any weight lost.

However, some diets can stand the test of time. Health Magazine recently listed 10 diets that nutritionists say really work, are safe and encourage lasting change. Some have been around for years, and others are new.

Health Magazine’s Top 10 Diets
1.The Structure House Weight Loss Plan (Fireside)
2. The Step Diet (Workman Publishing)
3. Weight Watchers
4. The EatingWell Diet (The Countryman Press)
5. The Volumetrics Eating Plan (Harper Collins)
6. The Best Life Diet (Simon & Schuster)
7. The Solution (Collins)
8. You: On a Diet (Free Press)
9. The Sonoma Diet (Meredith Books)
10. The Spectrum (Ballantine)

Have you tried any of these diets before? Do you plan to?
