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It is with a sad heart that we acknowledge the untimely passing of Terri Oglesby, a longtime advocate of massage therapy in Kansas City, and the founder of the Massage Therapy Training Institute in 1986, which is the solid foundation upon which the Wellspring School of Allied Health is built.

Terri did so much for the profession and for every student who attended MTTI and Wellspring.  Most of the principles embedded in the massage therapy program are still present today, and will remain so moving forward in time, as a testament to this thoughtful, forward thinking lady.

We will all miss Terri – students, faculty, and admin staff; past, present and future alike.  And we all thank her for her leadership and dedication that brought the practice of massage from an eclectic feel-good technique to its current level of acceptance and embrace as a true healing art for everyone… and a greater appreciation of holistic practices in all its dimensions.

Thank you Terri, you are in all our hearts, and we will forever be in your debt.

Donald M. Farquharson
